Friday, February 10, 2012

Return of the Herculoids - a 1 Page RPG

Return of the Herculoids
It is the year 3030, and The Herculoids have returned from deep space to find a world where Total Control has surrounded the earth in an Anti-Hip Hop field. Unable to enter, The Herculoids granted a fraction of their power to the Heroes to seek out the Four Pillars. Only when the four pillars are brought together can the Herculoids return and bring peace to the earth.

The System
Return of the Herculoids uses 6-sided dice. Heroes roll a number of 6-sided dice equal to the relevant Pillar of Hip Hop. The Game Master of Ceremonies (GM) rolls a number of d6 against the Hero depending on the difficulty of the challenge. 1 for easy, 2 for medium, 3 for hard, 4 for impossible. Whoever rolls highest wins.

The Pillars
MCing – Mastery of Will (Negotiation, Intimidation, Persuasion)
DJing – Mastery of Technical (Picking Locks, Hacking Computers, Fixing the Broken)
B-Boying – Mastery of Physical (Lifting, Climbing, Breaking)
Graffiti – Mastery of Written (Knowledge, Investigation, Survival)

Hero Creation
Heroes start with 0 in each Pillar and 4 hit points.

Step 1: Where you’re from
Write down your stomping grounds, and add 1 to two pillars of your choice.
EXAMPLE – Brooklyn Subways: +1 to B-Boying and Graffiti
Monster Island:+1 to MCing and DJing
West Linn, Oregon: +1 to DJing and Graffiti

Character Creation (contd.)
Step 2: Occupation
Before the Return of the Herculoids, what did Total Control’s Aptitude Testing assign your Hero as an occupation? Add 1 to 1 pillar which currently has a zero.
Example – Salt Miner: +1 B-Boying
Anti-Communist League: +1MCing
Data Analyst: +1 Djing

Step 3: Your Patron
The Herculoids have reached out to your Hero, and the experience has eternally marked you with 1 of the 4 pillars. Choose a Patron, and add 2 to 1 pillar of your choice.
Example – Biz Markie: +2 MCing
Jazzy Jay: +2 Djing
DONDI: +2 Graffiti
MR. WAVE: +2 B-Boying

Destiny Chooses You: Alternative Character Creation
At each step of character creation, each player (including the GM) writes their answer on a slip of paper, places it in a hat, and each player randomly chooses one and applies it to their Hero.

Everyone rolls a D6. Whoever rolls highest starts, and turns go around the table clockwise. Combat is handled like any other challenge – the Hero chooses their pillar, and roll against the Master of Ceremonies. Whichever side fails loses 1 hitpoint. At zero hitpoints, the character dies.

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